These workshops are available to groups, classes, societies, and clubs who would like to book the session. 


Call It Out! Active Bystander 
Optimal duration: 90 minutes
This training session goes through the process and skills needed to feel confident and empowered to Call It Out against any situation where someone is being victimised. Whether within your friendship group, in a seminar, or with strangers, we will explore different ways you can safely intervene to help the person being targeted and if appropriate address the unacceptable behaviour and to start to make a change of our culture at UEA for the better. We can all make an impact by Calling It Out whenever we can.

Let's Talk about Sex!
Optimal duration: 90 minutes
This workshop follows on from the Consent Matters online training course to give participants a explore consent in practical exercises to feel comfortable giving and receiving sexual consent in a way that is not off putting or awkward so everyone who wants to, or does not want to engage in sexual activity is empowered to do so. This session also aims to help participants to feel more comfortable about talking about sex, consent and protection to have fun and enjoyable sex.

It is recommended that everyone first takes the Consent Matters online training before taking this workshop.

All workshops can be shortened to accommodate 50-60 mins time slots, but you will get the most out of each workshop if it is delivered in full.

To book a workshop for a club, society, class or group:
Please submit a Workshop Request form.

Note: a two week notice is required to process and confirm requests before the date of your planned workshop.
If you have any questions or concerns, email Laura Watkins, Changing the Culture Programme Coordinator

Consent Matters 
Consent matters is for students of all genders and sexualities to help build a better campus community. Sex isn't for everyone, but everyone can benefit from learning about consent. It's important for everyone to understand consent so that we can look out for each other and live in safer, happier communities.
Find Consent Matters here.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened