Drug and alcohol misuse can have serious effects on both your physical and mental health. It can put strain on relationships and cause stress, worry, and feelings of helplessness.  

You can reduce the risk of these impacts by making safer choices, such as drinking in moderation and never drinking or taking drugs and driving. You can prioritise your health and wellbeing, and that of the people around you, by seeking support from support services and health professionals. 

What is alcoholism?

Alcohol misuse, abuse or alcoholism refers to the harmful consumption of alcohol. Drinking a level of alcohol that is damaging your physical and/or mental health, but continuing to drink despite the consequences, indicates alcohol dependency.

Unhealthy use of alcohol can range from mild to severe and present in different types, such as problem drinking and binge drinking. The short-term and long-term risks of alcohol addiction include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical dependency.
  • Health conditions such as injuries or infections.
  • Psychological dependency.
  • Mental health issues.
  • Financial issues.
  • Increased risk of suicide.

What is substance use disorder?

Substance misuse, abuse and drug addiction all refer to the harmful consumption of substances and drugs. This includes addiction to both legal prescription drugs and illegal drugs. 

Consuming a dosage of substances that damaging your physical and or mental health, but continuing usage despite the consequences, indicates drug dependency. 

Unhealthy use can range from mild to severe, both physically and psychologically. The short-term and long-term risks of substance use disorder include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical dependency.
  • Health conditions such as injuries or infections.
  • Psychological dependency.
  • Mental health issues.
  • Financial issues.
  • Increased risk of suicide.

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