It can be very distressing to be accused of something and people can respond to allegations of misconduct in different ways. It’s important to remain calm and seek advice before taking any action. 

Please be assured that all students will be treated fairly and have access to a range of support from Student Services during their time at UEA. 

The University does not make assumptions based on information received in an initial report. No party will be considered ‘at fault’ until an allegation has been reviewed and/or investigated.  Being accused of sexual misconduct, harassment, bullying or hate crime can be a traumatic experience for anyone.

The University will not make assumptions on the relative merits of a report. No party will be considered 'at fault' until a report has been reviewed/and or investigated. All those involved will be treated fairly and offered advice and support.

It might be useful to read some of the following behaviours that describe:

Bullying and harassment

Hate crime

Relationship abuse

Sexual harassment


Don't panic or take action you might later regret

Regardless of whether you think you have acted rightly or wrongly, it is always best to take advice first and act second.

If you have been contacted by the police about an allegation 

Please be aware that, by law, the University and Students’ Union are unable to offer advice in relation to criminal investigations or criminal court proceedings. 

You may be eligible for free legal advice from the Legal Aid Scheme: Citizens Advice have more information about free or affordable legal help:  Please note: as per section 7.1 of the University’s General Regulations for Students, you are required to notify the Director of Student Services, Jon Sharp ( if you are charged with or convicted of a relevant criminal offence.  

If you have been contacted by the University about an allegation 

The Student Misconduct Investigation Team manage the non-academic discipline investigation process when there has been a formal allegation of student behaviour that may breach the General Regulations for Students. 

If you have been contacted by the team as a responding student (a student about whom an allegation has been made), you can find information about the process and what to expect on their myUEA page: 

Students who are named as responders in an investigation are entitled to access support from both Student Services and the Students Union Advice team. 

Student Services:  There is a range of support available from Student Services, including wellbeing services, one-at-a-time talking therapies, practical advice and learning support. More information about the support teams can be found here: Student Services - UEA 

Students Union: Advice(su) can offer independent, impartial advice to students. They can help students understand their rights, provide meeting support and advocacy when appropriate, and can explain the next steps of the appeals process.   

If you have been contacted by the University about the issuing of a No Contact Order 

No Contact Orders are a risk-mitigation tool used by Student Services to limit direct interaction between two or more students. They are designed to be supportive to all students involved, and the issuing of a No Contact Order does not indicate the outcome of any potential disciplinary investigations. 

For more information, see our page about No Contact Orders here:  

If the allegation has been made informally; in person or on social media 

It’s important to stay calm and try to avoid any impulsive actions before speaking to someone about what’s happened. You can contact the Student Life team (UEA Student Services - Student Life) for practical advice and guidance and one-at-a-time talking therapies appointments can offer a safe space to explore how you’re feeling. 

If you are concerned that an informal allegation is being made against you maliciously, you can tell the University through the Report & Support platform (Report + Support - University of East Anglia ( 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened