Disciplinary referral 
A referral made to the Student Misconduct Investigation Team, outlining a report of behaviour that may constitute a breach in the General Regulations for Students 

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 
Data protection regulations that control how your personal information is used by organisations, businesses or the government. 

General Regulations for Students 
University rules and expectations of behaviour that apply to all students for the duration of their period of registration, including University breaks and vacations falling within that period. 
No Contact Orders (NCOs) 
No Contact Orders are one of the tools used in the Student Services risk assessment and risk management process to support student safety during their time at UEA. 

Reporter / reporting student 
The student making a report of another student’s behaviour that may constitute a breach in the General Regulations for Students.
Responder / responding student 
The student who has been reported for behaviour that may constitute a breach in the General Regulations for Students.

Senate Student Discipline Committee (SSDC) 
Senate Student Discipline Committee (SSDC) is a committee authorised by the Senate of the University of East Anglia. It comprises a Chair and Deputy Chair of the Senate Student Discipline Committee and members of the Committee who are appointed by Senate from time to time.   
Student Misconduct Investigation Team (SMIT) 
The team who undertake investigations into reported breaches of the General Regulations for Students, including a case coordinator, investigation officer and the UEA Disciplinary Officer who decides outcomes and appropriate penalties. 
For more information see: Meet The Team (uea.ac.uk)  

A student or third party who has been named in a disciplinary referral by a reporter as a witness to the behaviour.  

There are two ways you can tell us what happened