Eradicate Hate 

Eradicate Hate is an SU anti-racism campaign devised by students to address racism on campus and ensure that students of colour are properly supported.

The campaign is designed to educate the community at UEA on what constitutes racist behaviour, to create an anti-racism culture on campus, and to inform students on how to report racist incidents and get support.

We believe that UEA should make sure those who report racism are kept up to date with how the issue is dealt with, and that the University should publish its figures on how many cases it receives, how it has responded to them, and how quickly. Through Eradicate Hate, the SU will be lobbying UEA on these issues and many others.

Eradicate Hate forms part of our commitments to diversity, empowerment and anti-racism at the SU, marking clearly that any form of racism is unacceptable. We know that we have more work to do, and Eradicate Hate is just the beginning.

What is a hate crime or hate incident? 

Hate incidents and hate crimes are acts of hostility and violence directed at someone because of who they are or who someone thinks they are. 

What types of incidents may be hate incidents? 

·       verbal abuse like name-calling and offensive jokes 
·       bullying or intimidation 
·       physical attacks 
·       threats of violence 
·       hoax calls, abusive phone or text messages, hate mail 
·       online abuse for example on Facebook or Twitter 
·       displaying or circulating discriminatory literature or posters 
·       malicious complaints for example over parking, smells or noise 
·       microaggressions 
·       as well as others 

Microaggressions may include: 

·       touching someone's hair 
·       crossing over to the other side of the street to avoid someone from a different ethnicity 
·       being treated less favourably or with more suspicion in a shop than a white person 
·       ignoring someone's messages in a group chat 
·       offering more support or help to white students 
·       talking over people with lived experiences of the issue 

If you experience any of these behaviours or any other unacceptable behaviour you will be supported when you report them. 

If you experience racism or any other type of harassment any of the SU’s venues you can report it to a member of security staff or come to our advice centre in union house. All our venues staff have been trained to deal with reports of this nature and they will make sure you are taken seriously. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened